3-Day Online Gathering

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There is profound healing and regenerative power in the global gathering of women. Global Womb Healing is a call to all of Womankind. 


We ache to belong through lineage, we desire to bring prayer into form through our centers, we yearn to be touched and cared for within our wombs. These are the unacknowledged, untended longings of womanhood. 

Tending to lost lineage, the gestational power of womb prayer, and knowledge of womb care serves ALL WOMEN and Humanity.

Over these 3-days we will be meeting, and care taking the restoration of womb lineage, prayer, and care together. 

In this 3-Day Gathering, we will cover: 

Resurrecting our collective Womb Lineage
Reclaiming the Power of our Womb Prayer
Restoring Knowledge of Womb Care

Within This Online Gathering You Will,

  • Tend the lost ties of your lineage and learn what it is to resurrect Womb Lineage in your own body and life. 
  • Experience the power of living in your center as a woman and the gestational potency of your Womb Prayer. 
  • Learn the lost knowledge of Womb Care and how to bring your hands to your center to offer healing touch to your womb once more.
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Ancestry is integral to belonging, and as women it is essential to know our ancestry of Womb Lineage. Without lineage we lose track of our belongingness to our bodies, and our relationship to Life. In Day 1 we will historically explore the Loss of Womb Lineage and its effects on the world we live in today, both as a Global Context, and in relationship to the severance of Original Womens' Care Practices. The loss of Womb Lineage has left our bodies untouched and untended for generations. Learning and living intact to our Womb Lineage is a necessary healing balm for our bodies and lives as women, and people. You will leave this day understanding the depth of Womb Lineage and what it is to Resurrect Womb Lineage in your own body and life.


As the ORIGIN of all life, the Womb is a powerful creative portal. What is held in our wombs matters greatly. What is held in our wombs becomes gestated in our bodies, realities, and lives. On Day 2 you will come into relationship with what it is to re-center yourself within your womb as a woman. You will learn the gestational potency of your womb, and the great power that dwells within your womb to pray, and create living prayer. Day 2 will be a world-shifting experience as we collectively pray through the portals of our womb and seed our prayers into the creation point of life.


Our wombs want to be touched. Our wombs yearn to be tended. Our wombs desire, and are worthy of deep care. There was once a time where it was collectively understood that the wombs of women must be cared for. There was once a time where it was passed down through lineage and culture of how to touch and care for our wombs. Day 3 is going to be a Global Restoration of the Collective Knowledge of Womb Care. You will be led through a hands on, guided self womb massage, restoring the wisdom of how to touch your own womb back into your hands as a gift to your own body, life, and lineage. The power of restoring this collective knowledge impacts the way we live, the way our daughters are raised, the way our sons know the medicine of the womb, the way we as a people change when our wombs and the wombs of our fellow women are cared for once more.

This is for the woman who...

All women praying for their families, their communities, and the world

The daughters who have never bled, and the women who have stopped bleeding

The mothers breastfeeding, and the mothers grieving

The woman finding herself,

The woman awakening to her beauty, power, and strength,

And the woman doing everything she can to not give up or loose faith

Is a single momma caring for her baby, untouched in her womb, yearning for belonging to her body, and community

The woman who leads women in her community yet needs to be quenched and held in her own body

The Grandmother who has never had the opportunity to sit with women and bring her hands to her body, womb, and center

The Elder Woman who has always hoped for women to remember their power, and to replenish her own

The woman in her second half of life finding herself again

The woman deep on her path aching for her womb kin

The woman who has never felt like womb medicine is for her

The woman who lives, serves, and breathes womb wisdom into everything she births

The woman who has resented her blood and cycle her whole life

The woman who reveres her blood as the most potent fluid of life

The woman who hasn't felt or experienced the deep ties of collective belonging as a woman

The woman who knows she is here in deep service of Womb Lineage, Prayer, and Care.


This is for the both the woman who has never related to her womb but has always desired to, and the woman who lives and serves from her center, the woman who yearns to belong to her body, the woman who prays for her family, the woman who leads in her community, the woman who is lost, the woman who is found, and all women in between.



"To birth a generation of healing for humanity we must tend the birthing origin of humanity, we must give healing to our wombs. 


This is a great responsibility and sacred calling of our times. This is collective, for all of us, for all of Womankind."


-Alexandra Durigan, Founder ORIGIN Pelvic Care

Dear Woman, I know you feel the calling of your womb.

Global Womb Healing happens through ALL OF US. Your womb, and the Great Womb are calling for you. The part of you that has wondered, that has longed to belong, that has felt disconnected without wisdom, prayer, or lineage to anchor you home and into your center, gets to land here, learn here, and be restored here. 

There is profound healing and regenerative power in the global gathering of women. Global Womb Healing is a call to all of womankind. This global gathering is for our Global Womb Body. Together we will resurrect and come home to our shared Womb Lineage, reclaim the power of prayer in the gestational portal of our Wombs, and in the returning of our hands to our centers restore the lost knowledge of Womb Care and what it is to be touched and cared for within our wombs once more. Together we will create a collective, healing imprint that will reverberate into our Global Womb Body, in service to all women, and Life.


Our bodies need this.

Our womanhood needs this.

Our world needs this. 

Come woman, resurrect, reclaim, and restore your relationship to your womb. 


3-Day Online Gathering
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About Your Guide

Alexandra Durigan is an RN BSN and Founder of ORIGIN Pelvic Care, having spent her time as a nurse working on a Women’s Specialty Care Unit. During this time Alexandra was a first hand witness to the skyrocketing rates of pelvic disorders, reproductive surgeries, birth trauma, and the health outcomes that take place when there is a lack of true care for women's bodies. Alexandra began to ask the question of “how did we get here”, and set off on a path to discovering “more for our womanhood”.  Alexandra’s passion for women’s health led her to the exploration and resurrection of original women’s care. She left Allopathic Care to found her practice ORIGIN Pelvic Care which is hands on Ceremonial Whole Woman Whole Pelvic Care in service to women and the womb, the Origin of life. Alexandra’s work through ORIGIN Pelvic Care serves women in the realms of Sexuality and Pleasure, Reproductive Health, and The Birth Continuum.

Alexandra shares that “there was a time before the beginning of allopathic medicine where women and their wombs were richly cared for. Where the importance of nourishing our bodies as women, throughout our lifetime, was cellularly understood and upheld by the collective. A time where women and their wombs were held in reverence by the tribe. Where it was woven through lineage and culture to honor the sacredness of our feminine physiology and life giving bodies. The foundation of my work today is the remembrance of lineage and literacy for our feminine physiology, woven with leading research, science, and ceremony". Her mission through her private Hands On Care Practice and Global Practitioner Teaching Program is in service to a regenerative potential for women and the womb, and a regenerative future of Global Womb Healing.