
The ORIGIN Pelvic Care Practitioner Training Program is in service to Global Womb and Pelvic Healing, the restoration of Pelvic Care as an essential aspect of Well Woman Care, and a resurrection of Womb Lineage.


The ORIGIN Pelvic Care Practitioner Training Program

Supports practitioners in the necessary understanding of anatomical wisdom and attuned hands-on skillset development, with a relationship to regenerative Sexual and Reproductive health potential through hands on ceremonial pelvic care, tending the health continuum of Womanhood at every stage of life. 

In this program we will journey intimate depths of anatomy and physiology, the nervous system, the fluid body, the dynamic and sacred complex of the pelvic bowl, and much more.

This training is a whole body, whole pelvis approach to Pelvic Care.

We will lense powerful body literacy to disease processes, how to hear the language of the body as story rather than symptom, how to holistically support women in regenerative pelvic health and healing, and explore the importance of pelvic care for sexuality, pleasure, reproductive health, and the birth continuum.


Who is this training for?

This program is for women's health practitioners, gynecologists, physicians, birthworkers, doulas, sexual health practitioners, womb keepers,  pelvic floor physiotherapists, or any woman with a deep sense and desire to serve and support the body of woman in the realms of sexuality and pleasure, reproductive care, and the birth continuum with essential care for the root of woman and the origin of life, the womb and pelvis.


How long is this training?

This 24 month (2 year) program will be an online and in person hybrid experience to teach, inspire, and integrate the medicine of ORIGIN Pelvic Care first into the consciousness, tissues, and life of each practitioner, and from there into the communities uniquely served by each practitioner. 

Birthing Womb + Pelvic Keepers 

I believe that one of the greatest fractures within women’s health has been the loss of Womb Lineage and Language, a loss of women receiving regular womb and pelvic care. It was from this loss that the founding of Modern Gynecology occurred. This loss included a loss of Womb + Pelvic Keepers. Women who intimately knew the interweavings and workings of the womb, pelvis, reproductive health, birth, sexuality, and beyond, and who served, hands on, the women of their communities. 

The ORIGIN Pelvic Care Practitioner Training Program is in service to resurrecting and birthing Womb + Pelvic Keepers once more, in service to the wholeness of Womanhood, and to Life.

Birthing Womb + Pelvic Keepers 

I believe that one of the greatest fractures within women’s health has been the loss of Womb Lineage and Language, a loss of women receiving regular womb and pelvic care. It was from this loss that the founding of Modern Gynecology occurred. This loss included a loss of Womb + Pelvic Keepers. Women who intimately knew the interweavings and workings of the womb, pelvis, reproductive health, birth, sexuality, and beyond, and who served, hands on, the women of their communities. 

The ORIGIN Pelvic Care Practitioner Training Program is in service to resurrecting and birthing Womb + Pelvic Keepers once more, in service to the wholeness of Womanhood, and to Life.

Foundational Pillars and Commitments of ORIGIN Pelvic Care

  1. Restoration of Hands on Pelvic Care throughout the Journey of Womanhood
  2. Returning a rich and integrated understanding of Sexual Health as Whole Health to the whole continuum of Womanhood 
  3. Resurrecting Womb Lineage and Language
  4. Re-weaving Pelvic Care + Womb Healing as an integral and essential aspect to Well Woman Care, to serve and support our inherent capacity for regenerative Sexual + Reproductive Health 
  5. Nervous System led Pelvic Care care within the container of extended session times so that each woman’s body may restore a felt sense of safety, and that the session may support her bodies pace and unfolding; Where miraculous healing becomes a natural aspect of care
  6. Ceremonial Setting that can truly witness and culturally honor the fullness of each woman, a space that is intact to the reverence that is necessary when tending Women and the Womb, the ORIGIN of life


Pelvic Care is Women's Care.
Pelvic Care is World Care. 

Pelvic Care is needed now more than ever to be stewarded fourth by highly trained, deeply skillful, attuned practitioners who are ready to ignite the wisdom of their hands and support the miraculous healing potential of the pelvis. 

This training is a return to the essential needs of our feminine physiology for thriving health in pelvis, womb, and the lifespan of Womanhood.


The ORIGIN Pelvic Care practitioner training program holds the prayer for our global womanhood to restore a regenerative health system for women's bodies, the ORIGIN of life, through pelvic care. 


There is so much more for our womanhood. 

If you are a practitioner curious and ready for this more, apply today.


Learning, Skillset Development, & Wisdom Keeping : 2 year program outline 

ORIGIN Pelvic Care Curriculum outline 



  • Private learning platform
  • Private ORIGIN Pelvic Keepers Space
  • Monthly Circle of Care, a space of support and connection to body, womanhood, the journey of this program and life

Creating a prosperous hands on Pelvic Care practice for the Women of your Community

This program is a whole body, whole pelvis approach to Pelvic Care. This program design is to offer you the necessary skillset and personal embodiment to hold, support, and tend the health continuum of Womanhood, including reproductive care, sexual health and healing, and the birth continuum.

Pelvic Care is needed at every life stage of womanhood. As a practitioner of this work you will be able to meet and intimately care for the women of your community or any women’s niche of choice. You will have a refined skillset, developed wisdom within your hands, and an attuned compass within your own womb. This will guide you and support you in the opening, or expansion, of your women’s care practice. 

What you receive

  • 1:1 mentorship support from me as you bring the medicine of ORIGIN Pelvic Care into your community. It is my greatest intention that you are fully supported in the expansion of your own prosperous, and intimately fulfilling practice. 
  • Feminine Leadership + Business insight from my personal coach, sister, and friend, Melissa Wells


Dear woman and sister,

I have worked at the Nations Number 1 hospital as a Women’s Specialty Registered Nurse. What I can share from my experience is what I call “The Loss of Womb Lineage”. 

This loss is felt by our collective womanhood and humanity.

It is the loss of sexual health as whole health, it is the loss of reverence for our life giving bodies, it is the loss of menstrual literacy and living in rhythm to the truth of our blood, it is the sterility of Modern Women's Health, it is the cold surgical pursuit versus warm, tending, attuned healing hands, 

The loss of Womb Lineage in allopathic care is the loss of understanding of the intelligence of our feminine physiology. It is a loss of wisdom and knowledge, of care and capacity for true health and healing. It is a loss of culture and language, one that restores and replenishes our right relationship to ourselves, our sexual and reproductive health, and to life. 

My work through ORIGIN Pelvic Care is in service to supporting the remembrance of the lineage, culture, and language of the womb. The original language of our bodies. It is to serve women and the womb, the origin of life, and the regenerative gifts that flow from this place.

Who I am

Alexandra Durigan is a Women’s Specialty Registered Nurse, Women’s Pelvic Health Specialist, and Founder of ORIGIN Pelvic Care. It was Alexandra’s personal journey and experiences within women’s health that led to the passion and mission of her work “more for our womanhood”. From working in Western, allopathic care to the founding of her private practice, ORIGIN Pelvic Care, Alexandra is here to share the importance of pelvic care throughout the journey of womanhood so that women may live radiant lives led from the beauty of their well-nourished centers.  

Alexandra believes in hearing the body not as symptom, but as story, and that through right listening, touch, and tending we can cultivate regenerative repair in our sexual and reproductive bodies throughout the wholeness of our womanhood. Alexandra shares that “it is not only important and transformational on the individual level but essential to our world itself to more greatly care for our women and their wombs”. 

Alexandra’s point of view is that women deserve care that enhances their lives through connection and belonging in their center, while also initiating greater health outcomes. Her in-person practice, ORIGIN Pelvic Care, is located in Boulder Colorado where she serves women in the realms of Sexuality & Pleasure, Reproductive Health, and The Birth Continuum.


For Women + Humanity: A Regenerative Health System for Women’s Bodies  

A Final Note from me

Dear woman, doctor, mother, practitioner, keepers of the womb, 

I truly believe that Women’s Womb and Pelvic Health is the most important and necessary healing for the current state of humanity. I believe this because when women and the womb are more greatly cared for the world is more greatly cared for. 


When women, families, communities, and countries come home to this, we heal as a collective people. 

This care is needed in every city, state, and proper. This care is needed globally. 


The ORIGIN Pelvic Care practitioner training program holds the prayer for our global womanhood to restore a regenerative health system for women's bodies, the ORIGIN of life.


The calling of this work is deep, intimate, and essential to our women and the world, as together, we birth a Regenerative Health System for Women’s Bodies.


For those who are called, I so very much look forward to meeting you, and to stepping into this greater possibility of life, motherhood, lovemaking, creating, leadership, and beyond. All of which stems from womb and pelvic health. This truly is in service to your life, and the sacred community of women you serve. 


In absolute womb love and care, 

Alexandra Durigan, RN BSN

Founder of ORIGIN Pelvic CareÂ